Arkansas High School Students Learn About EMS Careers

LifeNet’s Texarkana Division was invited to teach students in the Medical Health & Occupations Center at Arkansas High School about careers in Emergency Management Services (EMS).

Three LifeNet Team members taught multiple classes throughout the day.  Each class was divided into two groups.  One group went outside for a portion of the class to learn from EMT Jeanna Wickersham about life working on the ambulance.  The other group stayed inside and learned from Director of Public Relations Tina Bell and Injury Prevention Manager Netra Dutton about different career options in EMS.  Then each group switched.

In addition to interactive conversations, each student also left with an EMS Crossword Puzzle, EMS Word Find Puzzle, and a model 3D paper ambulance to build.

Arkansas High students stand in front of a LifeNet EMS ambulance.